Red palace records

Red Palace Records is the music label of Brian Marsella.  There is no palace, which is a good thing.  Just a red house that has become a home. A creative home. A home full of love. A home of friends and like-minded and like-hearted souls. A home of sound and music. A home of songs. A home of plants. A home of instruments. A home of ideas. A home in the New Jersey suburbs of NYC.  Close enough to see the lights of the Big Apple but far enough away to sometimes miss them.  Red Palace Records brings you music centered around this home of Brian Marsella.  It isn’t tied to an aesthetic or genre.  You may be surprised by what you hear.  And what resides next to what you just listened to. If you come with expectations, you may be disappointed.  But you will know more about Brian Marsella and hopefully will want to keep returning to The Red Palace to see where this all goes…