Sounds of the deepest part of the ocean.  Sounds from the depths of space.  Sounds of imagined and unimagined lands.   In 2020, John Zorn asked Sae Hashimoto and me if we would collaborate with Ikue Mori to record an album together in our home studios.  Fall 2020, everything was closed.  We were all locked in.  But Zorn stayed creatively active and commissioned a few artists with home studios to record albums.  The idea of sending tracks back and forth with Ikue was so immediately appealing.  Sae and I were thrilled to embark on this virtual recording project.  It was such an incredible gift to be able to work on this music in what was such a dark moment.  Ikue is a world of sound unto herself creating landscapes of the most beautiful scenes never before visited.  We passed ideas and improvisations back and forth for months, editing along the way.  It was such a fully collaborative democratic creative expression.  I am so grateful for having had the opportunity and just love the music that we created.  From the OBI: ‘…the music is evocative and dramatically mysterious, blending electronica, classical, ambient, film soundtrack, pop and jazz into a remarkably original aggregate.’  Meet ARCHIPELGO X

Brian Marsella - piano and keys Sae Hashimoto - percussion Ikue Mori - laptop electronics


The Flail